December 7, 2024
Kamala Harris Misappropriated Millions in Fed. Grants to Fight Border Crimes

Kamala Harris Misappropriated Millions in Fed. Grants to Fight Border Crimes

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) A 2010 Department of Justice audit revealed that, while working as San Francisco’s district attorney, Kamala Harris misappropriated over $5 million in federal grants intended to combat crimes at the border.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that records indicated that Harris requested millions of dollars from the DOJ’s Southwest Border Prosecution Initiative while serving as chief prosecutor of the sanctuary city from 2004 to 2011.

The news source added that the program reimburses local prosecutors for handling “illegal immigration and drug and alien smuggling cases” referred to them by federal authorities.

However, a DOJ inspector general audit report found that none of the cases Harris’s office filed for reimbursement were eligible under the program. As a result, the city was forced to pay back the improper funding claims.

As district attorney, Harris promoted the globalist agenda by championing San Francisco’s “sanctuary city” status, promising never to prosecute immigration offenses. Despite that, her office still got over $5 million in unlawful reimbursements from the federal program intended to address crimes that were related to illegal aliens.

A 2010 report issued by the DOJ inspector general indicated that DOJ auditors noticed a “red flag” after Harris’s office requested significantly more reimbursements in 2006 from the program than any other local prosecutor in the United States, “despite being located about 500 miles north of the Southwest Border.”

When contacted, Harris’s office claimed the money was repayment for handling drug cases connected to illegals that the U.S. Attorney’s office had referred to her agency for prosecution. However, the news source reported that the inspector general investigation determined that none of the cases were eligible and had not been referred to Harris by federal prosecutors.

The audit found that “[all] of the cases for which San Francisco had received SWBPI funds were ineligible for reimbursement.” Harris’s staff and an outside contractor hired by her office were blamed for the failure.

The investigation found that Harris’s office had “submitted approximately 30 percent of its drug cases” for funding instead of submitting individual cases for reimbursement, even though the “cases were not federally initiated.”

“I think she’s been consistent throughout her political career, whether she was D.A., a California attorney general, a senator. Her entire record was about not enforcing immigration laws, [and] making sure that the people who violate those laws are not prosecuted or removed in any way,” Ira Mehlman, media director for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, said.


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