February 18, 2025
Female Support for Biden Hits Lowest Since 2004 Among Dems

Female Support for Biden Hits Lowest Since 2004 Among Dems

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) The far-left New York Times revealed in its new polling analysis this month that Joe Biden’s support among women is the lowest for any Democrat since 2004, while Donald Trump got an eight-point lead.

The Times pointed out that one of the major reasons why women started to favor Trump more was because of the inflation that they are more likely to notice since they are mostly responsible for buying things for their households and, therefore, notice the skyrocketed prices for everything.

In 2020, Biden led Trump by 13 points among women. However, Trump now leads by eight points, a total gain of 21 points.

The analysis showed that Biden’s soaring costs — over about 20% across the board — impacted the way women would vote at the end of this year, especially among black and Hispanic women.

“He is winning among [b]lack women in the KFF survey by 58 percentage points, but that represents a significant drop from his 86 percentage point margin among [b]lack women in the approach to the 2020 election… Mr. Biden’s lead with Hispanic women has also shrunk substantially, to about 12 points,” the Times wrote.

The survey then pointed out that, overall, Biden’s lead among women is four points.

“Twice as many women say they were better off financially under Mr. Trump… Young women, a key constituency that Democrats are hoping to retain this cycle, were nearly three times as likely to say things were better for them financially under Mr. Trump than Mr. Biden,” the survey indicated.

On the other hand, Trump has become more popular among female voters, especially among black and Hispanic voters, who have always been historically loyal to Democrats.

However, women starting to vote for Trump is not the only problem that Biden and the entire regime face.

In March, polling from Gallup and Siena College revealed that non-white voters’ support of Democrats has deteriorated to the lowest point in 60 years. Instead of supporting democrats, Hispanic and black men could vote for Trump in proportions that have not been seen in American politics since the 1950s, Breitbart reported.


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