February 18, 2025
Notorious ‘Pizzagate’ Ringleader to Replace Kerry as Biden’s Climate Czar

Notorious ‘Pizzagate’ Ringleader to Replace Kerry as Biden’s Climate Czar

(Headline USA) White House senior adviser John Podesta will add international climate policy to his job responsibilities, replacing special climate envoy John Kerry as the top U.S. official on international climate issues, the White House said Wednesday.

Podesta will take over Kerry’s responsibilities, though not his title, when he departs, likely this spring, the White House said.

Kerry’s job was created by the Biden administration specifically to fight climate change on the global stage. His appointment did not require confirmation by the Senate, but a law passed in 2022 requires that special envoys reporting to the secretary of State will have to win Senate approval.

In a step a move to circumvent Senate oversight, Podesta was not named as climate envoy but rather a senior adviser to the president for international climate policy.

The founder of the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress, Podesta previously oversaw Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign.

He was notoriously at the forefront of the so-called Pizzagate scandal after Wikileaks published emails from his hacked account that showed him using coded language similar to that used in pedophile communities on the dark web.

The messages fueled growing suspicions and conspiracy theories that Podesta and many of his powerful Democrat associates may have been operating a Satanic child-sex ring, although the evidence was never substantiated apart from his emails.

In one such, Jim Steyer, the brother of Democrat mega-donor and former presidential candidate Tom Steyer, wrote Podesta a message that was interpreted as coded language for an orgy involving young black boys:

“Hey John,
We know you’re a true master of cuisine and we have appreciated that for years …
But walnut sauce for the pasta? Mary, plz tell us the straight story, was the sauce actually very tasty?”

In another, Susan Sandler, a major Democrat donor whose family foundation is behind the recent efforts to discredit Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, wrote to Podesta that after a recent meeting he might have left behind a keepsake handkerchief stained with bodily fluids, according to interpretations:

“The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus [sic]? “

Podesta wrote back, “It’s mine, but not worth worrying about.”

The Pizzagate scandal, which lay largely dormant following President Donald Trump’s defeat of Clinton in the 2016 race, recently resurfaced following the news that Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had appointed Marina Abramović, a Serbian artist and “spirit cooking witch,” to help rebuild the war-torn nation’s school system.

One of the leaked emails showed she had invited Podesta to a “spirit cooking” event at her home.

Podesta also likely had a hand in plotting the Russia-collusion hoax used by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump.

And during the 2020 election, his prints were on several election-meddling efforts, which included participation in the Transition Integrity Project, a group that had gamed out the possibilities for a blue-state secession and civil war in the event that Trump were re-elected.

As climate czar, Podesta will have access to a vast but nebulous budget, long criticized for its lack of accountability given that the jet-setting Kerry’s official job responsibilities were largely unspecified.

Kerry, whose flatulence at the recent COP28 received more attention than his diplomatic efforts, announced in mid-January that he would step down from the climate job to work on President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign.

Podesta, who played a behind-the-scenes role in the Clinton and Obama administrations, was brought back to the White House last year to put into place an ambitious U.S. climate program revived with the $375 billion approved in the 2022 climate law. He also led the administration’s climate task force.

As outlined Wednesday by the White House, Podesta will continue to be involved in overseeing federal spending under the climate law, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, along with domestic climate priorities, adding the international portfolio that Kerry handled.

White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients said Kerry “has tirelessly trekked around the world” to help confront the climate crisis.

“There is no one better than John Podesta to make sure” the U.S. continues to “meet the gravity of this moment,” Zients said, calling Podesta “a fierce champion for bold climate action” who has served three Democratic presidents and has Biden’s trust.

The Washington Post first reported Podesta’s appointment.

Adapted from reporting by the Associated Press


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