February 18, 2025
About Last Night | Midday Momentum

About Last Night | Midday Momentum

Dear Reader,

Well, here we go again. The market starts to sell off, hits another support level, and then charges higher. The Buy the Dip crowd continues to purchase anything that isn’t nailed down. In addition, an insane amount of 0DTE options has pushed this market into an absurd range that just doesn’t make sense on the surface. 

In these situations, it’s a good time to think over the long term. 

And that is what we’re doing. Last night, I hosted a live event that featured 14 stocks that we’ll be actively trading in the months ahead. In addition, we talked about the stocks to avoid in various sectors. 

With the Ukraine war impacting global markets and systems, upwards of $4 trillion is on the move. Last night, someone asked for the complete list of stocks…

So, here is what we’ll be trading around this Global Flashpoint.

You Want It, You Got It

For an hour, I discussed the names I’ll actively trade in this market depending on momentum conditions. Given that we’re in a sideways market now, I don’t advise anyone to purchase these stocks RIGHT NOW. Standby. We have to trade them under specific conditions. With energy momentum looking stronger, I might nibble today… 

Oil and Gas Production

  • New Frontier Energy (NFE)
  • Occidental Petroleum (OXY)

Oil and Gas Midstream

Natural Gas Production

Agricultural Inputs


U.S. Defense

The only way you can maximize the upside of these names is to trade with me at Flashpoint Trader. Given the big rotation of capital today into energy, materials, and industrials, now is the perfect time to get going.

Today’s Momentum Reading


Broad Market: Red
S&P 500: Red

Recap: The World’s Biggest Indicator (Momentum) is Red…

Right now, there’s a lot of capital rotation into energy, materials, and industrials – which is fitting. Those are the very sectors that we discussed last night. So, if you’re ready to start trading these names, there’s only one place to do so. I continue to watch this market fight a very brave fight in the key support levels of 1,900 on the Russell 2000 and 3,990 on the S&P 500. This battle may last the rest of the week. That said, I remain very bearish on the state of affairs given the incredible damage happening in the productive parts of our economy.

What You Missed

We could see trillions of dollars move from Russian to U.S. energy and manufacturing… it’s not going to happen overnight, but there’s a huge demand – and someone needs to fill it fast.

I gave away the names of 14 stocks on my livestream last night – but like I said, those are not stocks that I’m looking to buy and hold. Those are stocks we’re looking to trade.

Last month, I turned a 9% move into 69% gains on PLUG in just one day.

The next week, I captured 85% gains in one day on RIVN.

I can’t tell you which ticker I’m trading next because I don’t predict the markets; I react to them.

I do this every day in my live Flashpoint trading sessions where I teach people how to trade options, show them my moves, and go over what I’m looking for next.

Go here to join my daily live trading sessions.

You can also sign up to get my pre market watchlist every single day.

It lets you know what’s REALLY happening in the world, where the big money is moving, and which stocks to watch that day. 

Sign up to get my daily watchlists.

I hope to see you in our live Flashpoint sessions this week. Just drop a money symbol in the chat or ask me a question about your favorite stock.

Stay Liquid,


Topics: ADI, BA, CF, LMT, MOS, OXY


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