Just a reminder, Jason is hosting his LAST live session of the week @8pm EST- hope all you 9-5ers can get in there and see how this service can work for you.
Now here’s more from Jason?
Welcome to Thursday, Chupacabras.
I don’t know you, but when I think of Thursday I think of FRIDAY EVE!
And that’s why Thursday is one of my favorite days of the week.
But that’s not the only reason, because tonight (Thursday) at 8pm ET I’m hosting the big $2,000 Small Account Journeytraining to cap off a week.
Gang, this has been an EPIC week of LIVE lessons, so I think it’s important that I recap the most requested highlights.
So what’s all the excitement about?
Like LL Cool J famously said, “And I’m just gettin’ warm.”
*Now, the results I am about to show you are not typical. Trading is hard and results like these are not guaranteed.
But…I’ve managed to grow my account from $2,000 to $9,339 with 24 out of 25 winning trades.
That’s an incredible $7,339 increase and a 367% gain!
I’ve done this while trading with my own money and sending instant alerts to my student members along the way.
Before I continue, here’s a Fun Fact:
Did you know that LL Cool J stands forLadiesLove Cool James?
Man, they just don’t make music like they used to.
You know what else this generation is lacking, which is absolutely CRITICAL to becoming a good trader?
Look, I know it’s the new thing to have instant gratification with all the new apps and technology that have taken over our lives.
But when I tell you that finding an educator that works can build a track record like this, as quickly as I have, is RARE in the industry, that’s no joke.
Trading is hard and results like this are very difficult to come by if you don’t know how to use what the market is giving you to your benefit.
I pride myself in the fact that I was once a teacher in the New York State school system. It’s among the best in the country.
And the result speak for themselves:
That comment is fresh from this week’s LIVE training room, where there are TONS knowledgeable retail traders supporting each other as they learn from me.
Gang, it’s up to you to decide if you want to miss out on learning about my high probability option strategy at one of the biggest discounted price ever to be authorized by me, Jason Bond.
But before I leave you, remember that table of winning trades I showed you earlier?
Well, I just added 4 new trades to it, and I’m currently managing those trades while making members aware of how I am managing these trades.
If you’ve ever wanted to see a professional trader demonstrate how to try and grow $2,000 into $100,000, then you’ll love the $2K SAJ.
? But hurry, because this BLOWOUT deal closes tonight:
So consider this my invitation to you to join with me, a seasoned market veteran and educator, as we navigate the ups and downs of the market together.
PS If you have any questions or want to see if you have any credits you can apply, email my main man Jeff Brown at ([email protected]) or call him at 800-585-4488.
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