February 14, 2025
Maine Supreme Court Says Chris Christie Ineligible for 2024 Ballot

Maine Supreme Court Says Chris Christie Ineligible for 2024 Ballot

(Dmytro “Henry” AleksandrovHeadline USA) Supreme Court of the state of Maine ruled that RINO presidential candidate and former Gov. of New Jersey Chris Christie, R-N.J., will not appear on the 2024 ballot because his campaign failed to gather enough certified signatures from registered voters.

The decision was made after Christie’s campaign brought an appeal in response to a previous decision by Secretary of State Shenna Bellows that the anti-Trump politician did not gather the necessary 2,000 certified signatures, according to Trending Politics. The Christie campaign turned in just 844 signatures, Bellows said.

“We appreciate that the court upheld the integrity of Maine’s well-established ballot access requirements. Every candidate, including presidential candidates, must follow the law to qualify for the ballot. We are glad that the court recognized that Maine law is workable and fair to all,” she said.

The process of gathering signatures from voters is long and difficult since either candidates or their staff must collect raw signatures from voters in the field, which are then turned into local city or town halls for certification, the news source wrote. After that, the certified signatures must then be picked up from each community and delivered to the secretary of state, with Nov. 20, 2023, being the deadline for the state of Maine.

To register as a write-in candidate, Christie still has until Dec. 26, 2023.

However, it seems that Christie doesn’t need to worry so much about meeting the deadline since he isn’t even as popular as other RINO presidential candidates like Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., and Nikki Haley, R-S.C., who are currently either in the single digits or low very double digits when it comes to their approval rating, depending on a poll.

As of Dec. 22, 2023, Republican candidates who have qualified for the Maine ballot were Haley, DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, local pastor Ryan Binkley and Donald Trump.

Christie promised to withdraw from the race if he would not be popular enough in the state of New Hampshire, the second state to vote in the Republican primary season. It seems that Christie would not be able to do that since Gov. Chris Sununu, R-N.H., who is another RINO, recently endorsed Haley.


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