February 18, 2025
Leftist Judge Fines Trump $5K, Threatens Jail for Campaign Post

Leftist Judge Fines Trump $5K, Threatens Jail for Campaign Post

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) In a recent development in the fiery legal battle between the New York Attorney General Letitia James and the Trump organization, a leftist New York judge, Arthur Engoron, has imposed a $5,000 fine on former President Donald Trump for an alleged breach of a gag order.

The order, which restricts Trump from launching verbal assaults on court personnel, was allegedly flouted by the former president, prompting the fine and a stern warning from the judge.

“On October 3, during a break in this trial, defendant Donald Trump posted to his social media account an untrue, disparaging, and personally identifying post about my Principal Law Clerk,” Engoron wrote in a filing on Friday, claiming that he called on Trump to remove the post “immediately.”

The post in question included a photo of a Engorron law clerk alongside Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. “Schumer’s girlfriend, Alison R. Greenfield, is running this case against me. How disgraceful! This case should be dismissed immediately!!” Trump said in the now-deleted post.

The judge added that Trump agreed to remove the posts. “Approximately 10 minutes later, Donald Trump represented to me that he had taken down the offending post, and that he would not engage in similar behavior going forward,” he declared, before detailing the “very limited” gag order.

Despite Trump’s assurances, the post remained on the website DonaldJTrump.com for 17 days, Engoron revealed. “I understand it was removed late last night, but only in response to an email from this Court,” he continued. 

Engoron issued a threat to Trump if further violations, including those done involuntarily, are uncovered. “Make no mistake: future violations, whether intentional of unintentional, will subject the violator to far more severe sanctions, which may include, but are not limited to, steeper financial penalties, holding Donald Trump in contempt of court, and possibly imprisoning him pursuant to New York Judiciary Law.” 

The ongoing trial has put the future of Trump’s business empire in a precarious position, with accusations surfacing that Trump artificially inflated his financial standing to secure favorable loans.

On the other hand, Trump has maintained his innocence, going as far as saying he is not afraid of facing jail time. “I am willing to go to jail if that’s what it takes for our country to win and become a democracy again,” he told his supporters during an campaign event in Iowa on Oct. 17.

The infamous Trump organization case was first ignited by James, who during her campaign for attorney general pledged to prosecute Trump one of her biggest priorities.


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